Legal disclaimer

LEBADANG, "Orchid", 1977, oil on canvas. Rights reserved.

LEBADANG, “Orchid”, 1977, oil on canvas. Rights reserved.

This site is not and does not claim to be a complete catalogue. The information provided on this site is intended for general purpose.

Moral right

Aware of the crucial role of his wife at his side during their long years of living together, Lebadang (Lê Bá Đảng) decided to bequeath the moral rights on all his works to Myshu Nguyên – Lê, in order to enable her to take care of his artistic work after his death.

Thus Myshu Nguyên – Lê is a privileged witness of the imprint left by Lebadang in the contemporary art world, but she is also the careful guardian of the artistic legacy he left behind.

In order to carry out this mission, Myshu Nguyên – Lê has fully vested rights and prerogatives to ensure sustainability and respect for the integrity of the works of Lebadang, and to take all measures necessary for the defence of attached copyrights.


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Realisation of the website / Editorial conception and redaction

Luc HO

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